Kyre... where to begin? He is the spawn of my fantasy, and also my spare time. He is colored a mahogany red, and sports gold runes on each of his legs, gold rimming his eyes, golden hooves, golden ear tufts, and a golden fiery marking on his hip. His eyes are a deep blue, and his mane is the color of hungry flames. His feet are wreathed in flame, which never extinguishes.

Kyre has no emotions to speak of, but is built from the darkest corners of one's mind. He is hated, feared, and always on the move. His form is horse, always, and he only took wolf form once to try and steal the affection of Kasta.

This resulted in a war between himself and Drey, in which case he won, but spared Drey's life. The result of this battle occured in a single offspring from Kyre and Kasta [which I'm still working on.]

After that, Kyre dissipated, slinking into the night and never returning.

He has no mate or companion, and one offspring.

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