This is Drey, Kasta's mate and chosen companion for the time-being. He is white, marked with a dark blue mask, front leg bands and hind leg stripes. He also contains a dark blue symbol along the side of his chest, which is shown on both sides. He carries two long light blue stripes down his side, and four light blue spots that curve down along his hind leg, which can also be seen from both sides. His eyes, nose, ears, and tail-tip are all golden, like Kasta's.

As Kasta is black, so Drey is white, and the same goes for inner attitudes. Drey is light to her dark, the happy to her sad, the kindness to her outright meanness. Drey is usually quiet, but always understanding, and kind in his actions and words. He is a constant companion for Kasta, and usually never leaves her side.

He is sometimes featured with wings, but most often times not. He is always in the wolf form, but sometimes like to take the cat form to please Kasta.

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